Použití chemických látek při výuce a v rámci volnočasových aktivit žáků mladších 15 let


  • P. Holzhauser Ústav učitelství a humanitních věd, Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Praha
  • R. Matuška Střední průmyslová škola chemická Brno, Brno

Klíčová slova:

chemické látky, výuka chemie, žákovský pokus, legislativa


Demonstration experiments, as well as those performed by pupils, represent an integral part of our school's education process. The handling of chemicals by pupils up to 15 years is practically uncovered by legislation. This contribution brings an overview of the valid general regulations for handling chemicals. It also presents the standpoint of the Czech Ministry of Education to the Chemistry Olympiad of elementary school pupils and regulations concerning chemical toys and sets for chemical experiments which are not well known among the chemical community. The core of the contribution is the list of chemical substances which can be handled by pupils of the age between 8 and 15 years. The new part of the regulation defining the principles of safe work in a school laboratory is briefly introduced. The aim is to inform the chemical community, mainly the elementary and secondary school teachers that the Czech and European regulations actively and positively support that the children over 8 years will play/work with some chemical substances.




Jak citovat

Holzhauser, P., & Matuška, R. (2019). Použití chemických látek při výuce a v rámci volnočasových aktivit žáků mladších 15 let. Chemické Listy, 113(4), 233–239. Získáno z http://www-.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/3339


